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Tone, Tone, Tone!

Many times in writing a paragraph or drafting an article, there is much thought given to the content and the meaning of the words. “Should I say, ‘thinks about’ or ‘contemplates’?” If you tell someone to review your work, and he or she doesn’t know the difference in tone, then therein lies the real issue: words carry tone.

Tone is the type of message you are sending when you select a word. Wondering where to begin? The dictionary, followed by the thesaurus. And then, your intuition. Reading is a great way to expand your vocabulary – and also, your sense of tonality when searching for meaning.

typewriter, black and white
What's your tone selection?

MJ Text Style strives to promote the writer’s tone when helping out to create content or edit manuscripts. If the writer wants to create a legendary scene with goblins and sorcerers and princesses, then words like “enchanted”, “divine”, and “cogent” would fit the bill. If, on the other hand, the writer is creating a mock-fantasy land novella, and wants to infuse some humor and characteristics to spur on silly, then words such as “harp”, “finagle”, and “fancying” are ideal!

The tone one decides upon when entering a written project sometimes takes on a life of its own: don’t underestimate the power of closure. Closure refers to the way a message is concluded. Tone can interrupt the flow of thoughts, and leave a reader ‘hanging’ in the final sentences. Or it can bend the thought progression to a crux – and wrap things up with a bow. If the tone of your piece is upbeat, close on a high note: Ta da!

MJ Text Style

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